Providentially, one of the
things that we began doing when we returned from Romania was to go through a book
of systematic theology by Norman Geisler.
we started the church here, He determined to preach systematically through
books of the Bible. He started in Romans and went verse by verse looking at
words and their original meanings in context. I think all of us were surprised
at the outcome. What we found was that even though we had all been taught the
truth by great men of God and listened to powerful sermons, there were “holes”.
when Rob sat down to study, he had a subject on his mind or he would find
something that caught his attention that he would expound on and research. The
problem with this is that inevitably things get passed over. Hard passages,
things that are unclear or not easily understood are passed by or overlooked.
Most of the time this is not even intentional, it just happens and then you
I said all of that to say this. When looking for a church home, search for
truth in it’s entirety. Don’t settle for someone preaching to “itching ears”,
telling the congregation what makes them feel good. The prescribed preaching of
our day doesn’t want to condemn anyone or make them feel bad. Sin and hell are
becoming taboo along with a lot of other things. There is a big problem with
this. John 3 says we all stand condemned, and if there is no sin and no hell,
what in the world is Jesus saving us from?
years ago someone asked my husband what Sunday School literature we would use,
and he said none, that we were using the scripture as our text. Their reply was
that you can get into all sorts of trouble doing that. Well, may be that’s true,
we have certainly had some interesting discussions. Truth should be something
we seek diligently. It should be our number one objective when we are looking
for a church. So many times, we compromise and settle for a social club with
enough games and gimmicks to keep our mind and body occupied so that we don’t
actually have to face the truth, because the truth is not pleasant. We
automatically seek pleasure and avoid pain. These are things that come
naturally. When we truly seek God and the truth from His word, we get cut to
the quick. A two edged sword cuts both ways and is not pleasurable coming or
going, but it is needful. “For the word of
God is quick, and powerful,
and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of
soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
Hebrews 4:13 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness:” II Timothy 3:16
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