Monday, May 14, 2012

Mes Aieux

Degeneration - intellectual or moral decline tending toward dissolution of character or integrity 
progressive deterioration of characteristics from a level representing the norm of earlier generations or forms 

In a previous post I talked about being multi-generational minded. A few years ago I ran across a French song that really sums up our present state of “degeneration” (The translated lyrics follow, or you can watch the you tube video)

Mes Aieux (Degenerations)
Your great-great-grandfather, he cleared the soil
Your great-grandfather was the one who worked the soil
And your grandfather turned a profit on the land
And your father sold it to become a state employee
As for you, my boy, you don't know what you're gonna do
In your small one bedroom apartment, that’s too expensive and cold in the winter
Sometimes a vague desire comes over you
And you dream at night to own a small plot of land of your own

Your great-great-grandmother, she had fourteen children
Your great-grandmother had almost as many
And your grandmother had three, that was enough
And your mother didn't want any ; you were an accident.
As for you, my girl, you go from partner to partner
When you do something stupid, you get out of it with an abortion
But there are mornings, you wake up crying
After you dream at night of a big table surrounded by kids of your own

Yesterday’s sermon brought up the curse again. And Rob said something I thought was interesting. The curse for the man was not work. It was the fact that his work would be hard and painful because the ground would not give up it’s increase easily. The curse for the woman was not childbirth. It was the fact that her labor during childbirth would be hard and painful. In the end, work is a man’s blessing, and children are a blessing from God. When men don’t work, and women don’t have children, we have what is called, “depression”. You know, that’s what your doctor asks you every time you see him, “Are you depressed?” There is even a medication now to boost your anti-depressant if it is not working for you anymore.
Another item of conversation was President Obama’s coming out in support of gay marriage this week. The church in Florida was also discussed that is so very public and offensive with it’s opposition of sodomy. God’s word plainly states that God does hate sin of any kind, but if He wouldn’t have loved sinners, we would all be in trouble, right? The key is repentance. God doesn’t accept us IN our sin. We must turn away from it, and turn to Him. The old hymn “Just As I Am” was written in a time when people knew that we can do nothing but come to God just as we are, but it’s impossible to stay that way after you’ve fallen on your face before Him.
I think Americans are depressed like no other country on the planet because we had the truth and didn’t hold it in high regard. We are in a sad state of DEGENERATION.

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20

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