Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What is Your View?

I ended my last post with Isaiah 5:20, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil…….” I have realized recently that I judge many things in the light of this scripture. Today’s mantra of NOT JUDGING is something taken completely out of context in the Bible. Everyone judges everything. Judging is simply to come to a conclusion about something (whether it be good, or whether it be evil), right? The standard by which we reach our decision is what is important. So many times we are guilty of coming to a conclusion about something by how it affects us. If you steal my car, that’s bad, because the car is mine, and if I don’t have it I can’t get to work or do the things I need to do. If you give me a million dollars, that’s good, because it would make me extremely happy and help me do a lot of things that would bring pleasure to me (and by extension, others). There is a problem with this sort of reasoning, though, and I’ll tell you what it is. I am not the standard of truth. Whether something affects me positively or negatively doesn’t bring to light whether it is good or bad. When we look at anything in life, we need to look at it through the light and truth from God’s word. Some people now, call the way we look at things our worldview. We all have some sort of filter that we put everything through before we reach our conclusion. I love the way C.S. Lewis said it,” I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”
This is so true. Some of my future posts may surely be about everyday, ordinary things put under the microscope of God’s word. I think especially the things that we put before our eyes and the eyes of our children, and the things we listen to, should be put to this standard. I wasn’t always so careful about what I let my children watch or listen to. I guess I could say, “Look how they turned out. They’re o.k., they survived.” But then, how things affect me and my children, is not how I judge things. I pray it is not the way my children judge things.
Let’s take off those rose colored glasses of moral relativism and look at things the way God sees them. That’s one thing I pray for when I write my blog. I don’t want people to see my opinion, not that it doesn’t come out, I know it does. My prayer and my hope is that God will give me eyes to see and ears to hear what is true.

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