Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring Cleaning

There has been much to do around the Blume house for the last couple of weeks because the weather has been just beautiful. We've all been outside picking up the yard, raking leaves, cleaning out the flower beds. My thoughts have turned to spring cleaning the inside of the house. There are just a lot of things that don't get done all winter and then as soon as we have a pretty day the thought comes, "I have got to get those curtains down and beat those rugs." So what is it that gives us the urge to spring clean? I was wondering that this morning. At our house, we have a window on the south-east side in the living room. I looked up Friday and the sun was shining through that window illuminating every dust particle in the air and on the furniture. It was as if all of my little dust bunnies had come to life at once and were dancing around in the light.
Someone had asked me about Lent a couple of weeks ago and if I believed that it could be redeemed as something useful for us to practice or glean lessons from. I get the idea that Lent to Catholics is sort of like spring cleaning at the Blume house. First comes the celebration of Mardi Gras and caution seems to be thrown to the wind. Afterward, Lent is observed, which to my understanding is a time of sacrifice and self examination. Wiki says it is a time of penitence.
Here is my conclusion. If we could examine ourselves daily and be repentant as soon as we realize that we have sinned, our lives would be much simpler. Barney Fife said, "Nip it in the bud. Nip it!" If we don't catch problems when they are small, they seem to grow rather quickly. Just like those dust particles floating through the air become big fuzzy dust bunnies if you neglect to clean for a couple of weeks.

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