Friday, March 2, 2012

Tea Party

When we first moved here, I began having tea parties with my neighbor and her little girls. There were just a few of us, but it was such a nice way to relax and visit, and it gave the girls a chance to play dress up, drink out of pretty tea cups and pour tea from a teapot. This week brought beautiful weather and spring was in the air, so we all decided it was definitely time for a tea party. The only difference now is we have more people which means more food, more tea, and lots of fun.
For those of you who homeschooled, you may remember this little poem from A Beka Kindergarten. It was one of my favoritesJ

The Tea Party                                                                               Elizabeth Rose

I had a little tea party 
This afternoon at three. 
'Twas very small-
Three guest in all-
Just I, myself and me.
Myself ate all the sandwiches, 
While I drank up the tea;
'Twas also I who ate the pie
And passed the cake to me.
~Jessica Nelson North

And here is my recipe for a lovely tea party.
Girls of any age (boys can come too)
Good Food
Flavored Teas
Pretty Tea cups and Tea pots
Dress up clothes and Big floppy hats
Sweet smiles and lots of laughter

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