Every year in my garden,
between May and July, there is something that springs up that I fondly refer to
as “devil weeds”. They grow up with our peas and if we don’t get to them fast
it is too late. They take over as quickly as ants would a grain of sugar. They
look innocent enough but as soon as you reach down to try to pull one you
discover they have long sharp thorns that are inescapable and razor sharp. You
have to get the hoe and go deep to take them out at the root.
I’ve listened to debates and
news aplenty the past few months and it occurred to me that we have these same
weeds in our politics. They are horrible things that are rooted deep and will
sting terribly if you touch them. I’m speaking of real issues like abortion and
gay marriage among a multitude of others. Many Christians are out there hoeing
away trying to go deep enough to root these monsters out and just not having a
lot of success. Our country has been taken over and I’ll tell you why. We have
been attacked at our foundation. The soil that so many Christians are throwing
their seed (children) into has already been taken over by the enemy.
This truth is at the root of
our faith and yet, our roots have been cut . Why are we losing over 80% of our
children to the world? They have been systematically taught that there is NO
God. We have little cliché excuses that make us feel better, like, “Our kids
have a Christian teacher,” or “That’s really not taught at our school.” I’m 45
years old and even when I was in elementary and middle school we were
“indoctrinated” with the “facts” that we evolved from monkeys. I can still see
the little 2 pg. layout in my 6th grade Social Studies book showing
all the “stages” of man beginning with the APE. Even though my teacher told us
that she didn’t believe this way, a picture is worth a thousand words. Children
coming out of the public school system with their faith intact is strictly by
the grace of God. And then at the college level, professors are “let go” from
our top universities quite often for believing in a literal 6 day creation. All
we have to do is look at the leaders of our country to see the effects of this.
If a politician believes in
a literal creation today, they are a laughing stock, and labeled as a religious
fanatic. Evolution is just assumed in any documentary that you watch, and yet
an overwhelming number of scientists are saying it’s not a viable theory. I’m
afraid it’s too late. Satan has done his best work in our education system. I’m
thankful that we still have the freedom in our country to religiously educate
our children, whether it be at home or at private schools, but the evidence is
clear that the majority of our country does not believe in our God. President
Obama was so right when he said that we were no longer a Christian nation.
We are reaping what we have
sown. Since 1973, 54.5+ MILLION babies have been killed in the U.S. alone. Just
from this statistic, without even touching the other weeds, it’s evident that our
country does not believe in the God of the Bible.
We now look forward to another
4 years of a president who, from everything I have seen and read, is systematically
trying to destroy our country. The majority of our country voted for this, and celebrated
a great victory this month. I’m thinking at this point, all I can do is pray.
I’m putting my hoe away. We can still gather the harvest as it comes in, but
from experience I can tell you there is going to be pain involved.